I've discovered a rather annoying problem when using Textmate with (more than) two projects open, one of which is large. When I cmd-tab to TM the active project appears immediately, but it takes a couple of seconds before the other projects appear behind it. If during this time I alt-tab out into another application, after a couple of seconds (or when I wave the mouse) the other projects will appear in front of the active application, but textmate is not active (ie. when I type it still goes into the other application, but I can't see what's happening because TM is in front of it).
Any fix would be much appreciated!
On Nov 27, 2004, at 18:20, hadley wickham wrote:
Most likely the problem is that TM checking changes in folder references slows down the normal "to front" process, and when TM is done checking the system continues, even though TM has lost focus.
Folder references will be improved in the future to not do their work on the main thread and/or use kqueue (though probably this won't work for network mounted drives) or similar, which should solve most of these "delay" problems some people are experiencing. At present I can't give an ETA, but it's a planned v1.1 improvement.