I'd like to assess the state of the Scala bundles and assemble the state-of-the-art one, since currently folks keep several versions of their (ond even others') bundles on github or web at large.
Here's what I found so far:
Paul Phillips -- http://github.com/paulp/scala-textmate,
The Scala bundle seems the most evolved one. There're two others there.
A couple others which seem not integrated:
Niko Matsakis -- http://smallcultfollowing.com/nikolog/2009/06/06/new-scala-textmate-bundle/ Michael Nischt -- http://gestalt.monoid.net/blog/2008/02/new-scala-bundle-for-textmate.html
A previous attempt at coming up with a single official Scala bundle is documented here:
I've started a private effort to integrate, but so far only Dean Wampler contributed his bundle:
My specific point which I'd like to add to the official bundle is symbols. Scala allows for the 'symbols, interned strings a lá Lisp 'symbols or Ruby :ones. Scala also uses 'apostrophizedSymbols, which screws up highlighting, making TextMate think it's a string. The issue was discussed on the scala-user list in the following thread:
Paul resolved it in his setup, and produced a tmDelta file:
-- noting that's all which is needed to amend the official bundle; Paul's setup links that to the pristine bundles, of which origin I'm not sure as there seems not to be a pristine/official TextMate Scala bundle in the SVN at http://svn.textmate.org/trunk/Bundles/?
Given the prelims, a flurry of questions: Am I missing any other Scala bundles, are there any other ongoing integration attempts, what could be in the pristine bundles for Scala (why do we have things linking to the pristine bundles, and why), how do I integrate a tmDelta into the official bundle (replacing tmLanguage?), and where should the final one be submitted so I can maintain it?
Cheers, Alexy