Hello there,
I was following the instructions on this page to check out all bundles for TextMate using SVN:
When I issued this command:
svn co http://svn.textmate.org/trunk ./
Encountered the following error message:
svn: Can't create directory '.svn': Permission denied
Would appreciate it if someone could offer me some assistance.
Happy programming,
On 28/07/2012, at 02.18, Unnsse Khan wrote:
[…] Encountered the following error message:
svn: Can't create directory '.svn': Permission denied
This means your current directory was not writable by the current user.
Did you try to checkout to /Library/Application Support/TextMate?
That said, the wiki is a little outdated and all bundles are now kept on GitHub: https://github.com/textmate/ — bur if you are using TextMate 2.0 you shouldn’t manually check out these bundles (unless you want to contribute changes), instead install via Preferences → Bundles.