Hi, recently i install couple of bundles, all of them is visible in bundle editor, but working just a few, that was already .tmbundle filename extension (like minimal design tools), but some not, (like jquery bundle) which was originaly folders, instruction says just to rename them, so I did so and they instaled but won't working. What i did wrong?
On 11 Jul 2011, at 23:01, Денис Смирнов wrote:
If they show in the bundle editor, then they are installed.
If not, be sure the “folder” has a .tmbundle extension, it should show with a special bundle icon, double-click it, and TextMate will install it in the proper location.
If you did this, and you think it is still not working (yet showing in the bundle editor) then please describe in what way it is not working, i.e. what you tested and got/expected.