I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how scope is determined by TextMate.
What has to happen for "source.ruby.rails" to be active? I am working in documents with .rb and .rhtml extensions, but unless I remove the Scope condition I can't get the Rails snippets to be active.
On 24/10/2005, at 17.01, Ana Nelson wrote:
I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how scope is determined by TextMate.
What has to happen for "source.ruby.rails" to be active?
You need to switch to “Ruby on Rails” as language. View -> Language -
Rails -> Ruby on Rails.
I am working in documents with .rb and .rhtml extensions
For .rhtml it should identify them as HTML (Rails) (visible in the status bar), but if not, it's View -> Language -> Rails -> HTML (Rails).
but unless I remove the Scope condition I can't get the Rails snippets to be active.
You can btw press ctrl-shift P to view the current scope. For .rb files it is (out-of-the-box) source.ruby. Switching to Ruby on Rails as language makes it source.ruby.rails.