Hi All,
I'm sure the printing will get improved in the future but for the minute I find it a bit limited (font size too big etc).
I've setup a command in the text bundle using a2ps (you can get this from darwin ports, probably fink and other places as well).
Save: Nothing Command(s): a2ps --center-title=`basename "$TM_FILEPATH"` --font-size 8 --pretty-print --columns 1 -M A4 -R --line-numbers 5 -o - - | ps2pdf14 -sPAPERSIZE=a4 - /tmp/textmate_print.pdf && open /tmp/ textmate_print.pdf Input: "Selected Text" or "Document" Output: Discard Activation: Key Equivalent - "Command P"
This will create a pdf called /tmp/textmate_print.pdf, and opens it in Preview (or acroread, or whatever your default pdf viewer is). If your happy with it you can just hit Command P to print it.
At the minute this prints in font size 8, but thats easy to change, it also prints in A4, if you change this you'll need to change both - M option to a2ps and the -sPAPERSIZE option to ps2pdf