(Mac OS 10.6.7 ; TextMate by macromates.com)
I’ve installed Fletcher Penney’s Markdown/MultiMarkdown bundle in ~/ Library/Application Support/MultiMarkdown. But when I try the Preview command in TextMate, I get the error
/bin/bash: line 11: multimarkdown: command not found
The multimarkdown command is installed in /usr/local/bin which TextMate has in its PATH variable. The command line also knows multimarkdown is there.
What am I missing?
On 25 Jun 2011, at 21:49, Alarob wrote:
[...] /bin/bash: line 11: multimarkdown: command not found
The multimarkdown command is installed in /usr/local/bin which TextMate has in its PATH variable.
How did you setup PATH for TextMate? In Preferences → Advanced → Shell Variables?
Also, is your installed command actually named ‘multimarkdown’? Cause it used to be ‘MultiMarkdown.pl’.