At some point in the last month something major changed with the JavaScript bundle. In particular, so many symbols are now added to the symbol list that it is basically unusable. I can't say exactly when this change occurred, but I would assume that others have noticed as well.
As an example, have a look at the following lines of (contrived) code:
var i = document.createElement('input'); i.type = 'checkbox'; i.name = 'foo'; i.value = 'bar'; i.checked = false;
I would not expect this to add any symbols to the symbol list. But in fact, this block of code adds the following four symbols:
type name value checked
Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know how I can fix this?
Thanks, Taylor
On Nov 17, 2006, at 3:03 PM, Taylor Barstow wrote:
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
Place the cursor over the symbols. Run the Show Scope command from within the TextMate Bundle. The bring up the bundle editor and take a look at the various Symbol List prefs in the JavaScript bundle. Find the one that matches the scope of the symbols. Set "showInSymbolList" to '0' for that preference.
If that doesn't do it for you, you'll have to dig into the JavaScript bundle language grammar.
Sorry, I don't edit JavaScript, but hopefully these pointers will be helpful.
On Nov 17, 2006, at 3:03 PM, Taylor Barstow wrote:
At some point in the last month something major changed with the JavaScript bundle. In particular, so many symbols are now added to the symbol list that it is basically unusable. I can't say exactly when this change occurred, but I would assume that others have noticed as well.
As an example, have a look at the following lines of (contrived) code:
var i = document.createElement('input'); i.type = 'checkbox'; i.name = 'foo'; i.value = 'bar'; i.checked = false;
I would not expect this to add any symbols to the symbol list. But in fact, this block of code adds the following four symbols:
type name value checked
Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know how I can fix this?
Thanks, Taylor
The javascript language is pretty goofed up. I had been working on the prototype version. I looks like something from there got merged into javascript but messed up somehow.
I'll be fixing it eventually. sorry for the trouble
thomas Aylott — design42 — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg