1. It would be nice if the Regular Expression and Ignore Case checkboxes were synchronized between Find and Find in Project (the find and replace text are, so it seems these checkboxes should be as well).
2. I was somewhat surprised to discover that regular expressions can match across multiple lines. Or rather, I was surprised that TextMate feeds the regex engine the entire buffer instead of a line at a time. This is powerful, but it would also be nice to have a checkbox to force TextMate to feed the regex line at a time.
On Jun 11, 2007, at 8:08 PM, Jay Soffian wrote:
I'd find it pretty worthless if it didn't… ;) Generally speaking though I'm not sure what your meaning, you have to specifically match the newline character somehow, so if you don't want to match multi- line simply don't match a newline no? It uses the Oniguruma syntax so yo can also change the method the . character type matches, newlines or no newlines.
On Jun 12, 2007, at 12:41 AM, Michael Sheets wrote:
I was using a match like:
When the negated character class (not to mention the \s*) matched across lines, it was not what I wanted. Sure, the fix is simple (though it makes an ugly regex even uglier):
functionName[\t ]*(([^)\n]*))
Nonetheless, it caught me by surprise since I otherwise think of TextMate as being line-oriented.
(Yes, I probably could've used .*? in lieu of the negated character class.)