I've been using the bundles from SVN for some time, but have only just noticed the snippets for django (slow, I know). I've noticed that the django bundle seems to have syntax for the magic-removal branch of django. Do the creators of this bundle (Wilson Miner and Paul Bissex, I believe), have an older bundle which is relevant for django 0.91? It would be very useful for me (and perhaps others) to have this.
Best Regards,
On 4/12/06, David Reynolds lists@davidreynolds.me.uk wrote:
I've been using the bundles from SVN for some time, but have only just noticed the snippets for django (slow, I know). I've noticed that the django bundle seems to have syntax for the magic-removal branch of django. Do the creators of this bundle (Wilson Miner and Paul Bissex, I believe), have an older bundle which is relevant for django 0.91? It would be very useful for me (and perhaps others) to have this.
I'm the perpetrator of the Django-Python part of this bundle, yes. Sorry for the delay in responding -- I didn't notice this queston until Wilson tipped me off to it just now.
I'm afraid that I've only created these snippets for magic-removal. Besides self-interest (I use M-R), I thought M-R was a better choice because, generally speaking, repository TextMate bundle users are early adopters, and M-R is the "early adopter" branch of Django. There's also the obvious advantage that when M-R becomes mainline Django ("soon," probably this summer), the bundle will be instantly ready.
Even so, I think you could get a lot of use out of the current snippets by changing models.* to meta.* everywhere and changing the model snippet to use the old META internal class instead of the new Meta and Admin internal classes.
If you end up doing this and felt like sharing your version of the bundle, we could link to it from the TextMate page on the Django wiki (http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/TextMate).
-- Paul Bissex http://e-scribe.com/news/ Northampton MA USA 01061-0847
Update -- looks like M-R will be merged to the trunk one week from today:
-- Paul Bissex http://e-scribe.com/news/ Northampton MA USA 01061-0847
On 21 Apr 2006, at 3:44 pm, Paul Bissex wrote:
Update -- looks like M-R will be merged to the trunk one week from today:
Thanks Paul, I'll just wait for the release of m-r then ;)