I am wondering if anyone has developed something to support named bookmarks, e.g. within a project context.
I found Haris' blog post on a way to support global bookmarking: < http://skiadas.dcostanet.net/afterthought/2006/06/09/global-textmate-bookmar...
Thanks-- that is a useful start! The HTML/link interface works well. I was thinking of messing with it further to support naming the bookmarks that are written to the file, and maybe associating them with a project name. (However, since I've not used Ruby and am SUPPOSED to be writing a paper at the moment it might be a while until I get to it.) Has anyone else done something like this already? Apologies if I missed it, nothing was obvious in the bundle list etc.
I have written a global bookmark system too. It let's you bookmark stuff and view an auto-updating bookmarks list. I think I broke it recently actually.
I'm currently working on a history system. The goal will be to let you traverse your files and edits like you do with history in your web browser. I've gotten as far as manually marking your history, saving the history file and going back and forward. I'm still working on doing a history menu chooser and appending new history to the end of your current selected history item instead of the end of the history file.
I may make this thing a per-project thing instead of global. That's a good idea.
thomas Aylott — design42 — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg
On Jan 25, 2007, at 9:33 PM, A J wrote:
I am wondering if anyone has developed something to support named bookmarks, e.g. within a project context.
I found Haris' blog post on a way to support global bookmarking: < http://skiadas.dcostanet.net/afterthought/2006/06/09/global- textmate-bookmarking/>
Thanks-- that is a useful start! The HTML/link interface works well. I was thinking of messing with it further to support naming the bookmarks that are written to the file, and maybe associating them with a project name. (However, since I've not used Ruby and am SUPPOSED to be writing a paper at the moment it might be a while until I get to it.) Has anyone else done something like this already? Apologies if I missed it, nothing was obvious in the bundle list etc.
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