New to Mac's, a little help on the installation of this application PLZ
Michael Barnum wrote:
New to Mac's, a little help on the installation of this application PLZ
Download the .dmg file to disk. Locate and double click the .dmg file if it doesn't automatically expand for you. After it expands, you should see a window with the TextMate application and two .webloc files as well as an alias to the application folder on the right hand side of the screen. The lefthand side of the screen should show all of your attached disks, one of which is the TextMate disk image. Drag the TextMate application onto the "Applications" alias. The TextMate application will copy to your hard drive.
Once that is complete, right click (or control-click, if you have only a one button mouse) on the disk icon for the TextMate 1.5.4 disk and choose to eject it.
Now go to your Applications folder. The TextMate application should be there and ready for your use. Enjoy!