I'm confident this is a stupid question but I'm stymied, as someone would say.
I would like to experiment with using the feature 'pipe through command' of the html preview in TM1 in combination with pdflatex.
1) I created a folder /Users/piero/Desktop/prova
2) in the folder there's a trivial latex file prova.tex, which compiles just fine producing a pdf of one page
3) I added a file script.sh which contains the following:
if /usr/texbin/pdflatex -output-directory /User/piero/Desktop/prova -interaction=nonstopmode /dev/stdin; then echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; tm-file:///tmp/stdin.pdf">' fi
(this approach is suggested in Allan's blog. The script file has been suitably chmodded)
4) in the html preview window of TM I checked the button 'Pipe text through' and added the path to /Users/piero/Desktop/prova/script.sh
5) But, when I invoke web preview, the html window shows only
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (TeX Live 2011) restricted \write18 enabled. entering extended mode ! I can't write on file `stdin.log'. (Press Enter to retry, or Control-D to exit; default file extension is `.log') Please type another transcript file name ! Emergency stop ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
What am I doing wrong? is this some permission issue in Lion 10.7.2 which I'm using?
Bonus question: in view of TM2 (thanks Allan - never lost the faith), am I just wasting time since the feature will not work in the future?
Thanks for help Piero
PS misprint: the content of the script.sh file is
if /usr/texbin/pdflatex -output-directory /User/piero/Desktop/prova -interaction=nonstopmode /dev/stdin; then echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; tm-file:///User/piero/Desktop/prova/stdin.pdf">' fi
(in my original post the path to the pdf file was incorrect)
On 18 Dec 2011, at 16:12, Piero D'Ancona wrote:
I would like to experiment with using the feature 'pipe through command' of the html preview in TM1 in combination with pdflatex.
To the best of my knowledge, that is not possible (since you switch the WebView to display a PDF for the LaTeX rendering).
Allan Odgaard <mailinglist@...> writes:
On 18 Dec 2011, at 16:12, Piero D'Ancona wrote:
I would like to experiment with using the feature 'pipe through command' of the html preview in TM1 in combination with pdflatex.
To the best of my knowledge, that is not possible (since you switch the WebView to display a PDF for the LaTeX rendering).
Thanks for your time Allan.
Well I run into a problem with stdin which I do not understand.
I'm editing a very simple latex file.
If I pipe through the command cat /dev/stdin, web preview gives me the correct result (I see in the preview the contents of my file, on one line).
If I pipe through the command pdflatex -output-directory /tmp -interaction=nonstopmode /dev/stdin and then look into the log file, I find that tex was not able to compile. The TeX error is "no legal \end found". This means that somehow pdflatex could not access stdin I guess, but why?
So, this version works:
cat /dev/stdin > /tmp/stdin.tex if pdflatex -output-directory /tmp -interaction=nonstopmode /tmp/stdin.tex; then echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; file:///tmp/stdin.pdf">' fi
If you pipe through this script you get a live preview of the pdf file every time you modify the document (no need to save). For a one-page document it is quite nice. Unfortunately, the live preview comes back to the beginning after each compilation, which is less than convenient for longer documents and essentially defeats the purpose. If it were possible to let the view to stay on the same page after each compilation, this would make a serious alternative to other workflows (and self contained inside TM, to boot)