Suppose you’re a person with a bad short-term memory doing test- driven design. (You’d be me.) You’d want to have both the test source and corresponding product code source visible at the same time. You'd probably also like to to spend screen real estate to show a couple of other files as well.
To this novice user, TextMate doesn’t seem like it wants you to be doing that. For example, apple-t doesn’t remember visits to separate windows, so when I want to visit “that file I was just in”, I have to remember whether it was in a tab or a window and use either apple-t or apple-`. But the reason I want separate windows is I have no memory for such things.
However, I’m early enough in the Emacs->TextMate switch that I’m sure I’m missing many things. How do you use TextMate on big screens?
----- Brian Marick, independent consultant Mostly on agile methods with a testing slant,
On Jul 3, 2007, at 2:53 PM, Brian Marick wrote:
Suppose you’re a person with a bad short-term memory doing test- driven design. (You’d be me.) You’d want to have both the test source and corresponding product code source visible at the same time. You'd probably also like to to spend screen real estate to show a couple of other files as well.
To this novice user, TextMate doesn’t seem like it wants you to be doing that. For example, apple-t doesn’t remember visits to separate windows, so when I want to visit “that file I was just in”, I have to remember whether it was in a tab or a window and use either apple-t or apple-`. But the reason I want separate windows is I have no memory for such things.
However, I’m early enough in the Emacs->TextMate switch that I’m sure I’m missing many things. How do you use TextMate on big screens?
I have dual 24" screens. One rotated 90º I have a textmate project per project and keep all the associated browser windows and terminals and such near that window on screen. Using multiple windows is unnecessary since I'm never editing two files at once. That helps simplify things considerably. thomas Aylott — subtleGradient
Just out of curiosity, is there a particular reason you're using separate windows and not project tabs for each file you're in? I work on multiple files all the time (I've been known to have up to 10-15 files open and currently being worked on), but everything's made straight forward with textmate's project window as I have a single window with a file/folder list on the side, and each file open in tabs.. so when i cmd-tab, i end up back to the file i was on with all the files i'm working on visible in the tabs..
On 3 Jul 2007, at 21:53, Brian Marick wrote:
To this novice user, TextMate doesn’t seem like it wants you to be doing that. For example, apple-t doesn’t remember visits to separate windows, so when I want to visit “that file I was just in”, I have to remember whether it was in a tab or a window and use either apple-t or apple-`. But the reason I want separate windows is I have no memory for such things.
On Jul 3, 2007, at 3:20 PM, Constantinos Neophytou ♎ wrote:
Just out of curiosity, is there a particular reason you're using separate windows and not project tabs for each file you're in? I work on multiple files all the time (I've been known to have up to 10-15 files open and currently being worked on), but everything's made straight forward with textmate's project window as I have a single window with a file/folder list on the side, and each file open in tabs.. so when i cmd-tab, i end up back to the file i was on with all the files i'm working on visible in the tabs..
Can you see two or more source files at the same time? That's what I want. Here's a picture:
I can see both the test file (sheet-tests.rb) and the source I'm working on to make the test pass (stereotypes.rb).
I don't care if they're in separate windows. In fact, I'd prefer them not to be. I'd rather split the screen (as in Emacs or IDEA).
----- Brian Marick, independent consultant Mostly on agile methods with a testing slant,
On Jul 4, 2007, at 12:37 AM, Brian Marick wrote:
On Jul 3, 2007, at 3:20 PM, Constantinos Neophytou ♎ wrote:
Just out of curiosity, is there a particular reason you're using separate windows and not project tabs for each file you're in? I work on multiple files all the time (I've been known to have up to 10-15 files open and currently being worked on), but everything's made straight forward with textmate's project window as I have a single window with a file/folder list on the side, and each file open in tabs.. so when i cmd-tab, i end up back to the file i was on with all the files i'm working on visible in the tabs..
Can you see two or more source files at the same time? That's what I want. Here's a picture: <
You can open several TextMate windows in the same project. It works. I do that all the time exactly for the purpose you specify: see the source code and the source of the tests.
I find it easier than switching tabs in the same project window.
The drawback is that you can't easly switch between windows with the keyboard. There is a somewhat standard shortcut, Command-`, but the ` is a dead-key in some European keyboard mappings so it doesn't seem to work with Textmate.
I believe I saw something about multiple windows in the same project for 2.0+ but I could be wrong.
I can see both the test file (sheet-tests.rb) and the source I'm working on to make the test pass (stereotypes.rb).
I don't care if they're in separate windows. In fact, I'd prefer them not to be. I'd rather split the screen (as in Emacs or IDEA).
Yes, I would love split windows in Textmate. maybe 2.0+...
Best regards,
Am 05.07.2007 um 15:59 schrieb Pedro Melo:
On Jul 4, 2007, at 12:37 AM, Brian Marick wrote:
The drawback is that you can't easly switch between windows with the keyboard. There is a somewhat standard shortcut, Command-`, but the ` is a dead-key in some European keyboard mappings so it doesn't seem to work with Textmate.
Therefore it's mapped to Command-< – at least with the German keyboard mapping of OS X…
Maybe this helps someone…
On Jul 5, 2007, at 3:40 PM, Andreas Kaiser wrote:
Am 05.07.2007 um 15:59 schrieb Pedro Melo:
On Jul 4, 2007, at 12:37 AM, Brian Marick wrote:
The drawback is that you can't easly switch between windows with the keyboard. There is a somewhat standard shortcut, Command-`, but the ` is a dead-key in some European keyboard mappings so it doesn't seem to work with Textmate.
Therefore it's mapped to Command-< – at least with the German keyboard mapping of OS X…
Maybe this helps someone…
Great! I did not knew that one, and it works on my keyboard too... Thanks!
Best regards,
On Jul 3, 2007, at 2:53 PM, Brian Marick wrote:
How do you use TextMate on big screens?
The literal answer would be "The same way you do on small screens." ;-)
As for the actual problem you need to solve, the answer is "You dont. At least not now." As far as I know there's no built in keyboard commands that will track viewed files in multiple windows & allow switching. Multiple windows, in 1.x anyway seems to mean multiple documents or multiple projects and info isn't shared very well between them.
But TextMate, for most users, is adaptable to overcome things like that. ⌥⇧⌘↓ - For example is very good about jumping to the conventionally named files in a Rails app. Often times, its up to you to determine what your specific need is and arrange your workflow or create commands to follow suit. I might suggest opening your rails project in one window, and then opening your graffle/test directory in another project window. Your convention might be that tests are always on top, controller/model files are always below. So you know if you're trying to get to a test you just need to do a quick ⌘` to get to your 'tests' window and then ⌘T can do it's thing.
That said... I also would love a split view system of some type.
- Cliff