With the recent introduction of Apple's Pages software I have been reading a slew of reviews that point out it's short-comings however this has also prompted people to write in solutions for them. I have discovered some very nice services (that will of course work in Textmate as well) so I wanted to start a discussion on what services do you use (perhaps not use do to stability issues) and can not live without.
Here is one that I think I will be using quite often:
Looking forward to some new toy : )
Eric C
On Jan 31, 2005, at 19:30, Eric Curtis wrote:
With the recent introduction of Apple's Pages software I have been reading a slew of reviews that point out it's short-comings however this has also prompted people to write in solutions for them. I have discovered some very nice services [...]
I took the opportunity to mention this on the TextMate blog:
http://macromates.com/blog/archives/2005/01/31/textmate-service-works- with-pages/
If some of you have the chance to comment on these Pages short-comings articles, please feel free to direct people toward my blog! :)
Btw: if you haven't noticed, I've started (well, started from beta 3) to make a more in-depth description of the highlights of each beta. So hopefully it's a nice read for TextMate users. Beta 4 is scheduled for tonight, and I can't wait writing the entry demo'ing the new output option! :)
As my previous email suggested I am currently playing with Apple Services and I ran across an intriguing program that does not seem to work 100% in TM.
The program is IceCoffee and it adds a service menu to the menu bar and contextual menu. However the contextual menu does not appear in TM. Does anyone have this working or is it just a shortcoming of the program?
PS. the url for checking it out is:
Funny you wrote this today. I'm long time IceCoffee user, I use it to launch url in plain text documents by command clicking on them. Every time I try it in TM, I remember it doesn't work and plan to write about it, but forget. Today I wrote the email and saw yours just before sending it... ;)
So, +1.
-- Fred
On 1 févr. 05, at 19:11, Eric Curtis wrote:
As my previous email suggested I am currently playing with Apple Services and I ran across an intriguing program that does not seem to work 100% in TM.
The program is IceCoffee and it adds a service menu to the menu bar and contextual menu. However the contextual menu does not appear in TM. Does anyone have this working or is it just a shortcoming of the program?
PS. the url for checking it out is:
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
Perhaps I am doing something wrong put when I highlight a chunk of text and execute the service nothing happens...
Probably user error but what would it be?
Eric C
On Feb 1, 2005, at 1:12 PM, Eric Curtis wrote:
Perhaps I am doing something wrong put when I highlight a chunk of text and execute the service nothing happens...
Probably user error but what would it be?
Is it possible IceCoffee only works with standard Cocoa text areas (NSSomethingOrOther)? TM's text area is home-grown.
On 1 févr. 05, at 23:00, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On Feb 1, 2005, at 19:12, Eric Curtis wrote:
Perhaps I am doing something wrong put when I highlight a chunk of text and execute the service nothing happens...
This must be the missing ODB editor support in beta 4.
Sorry I didn't notice your answer before my first mail.
It doesn't work in b3, so this must be something else. AFAIK, it never worked in TM.
On Feb 2, 2005, at 2:55, Fred B. wrote:
Perhaps I am doing something wrong put when I highlight a chunk of text and execute the service nothing happens...
This must be the missing ODB editor support in beta 4.
Sorry I didn't notice your answer before my first mail.
It doesn't work in b3, so this must be something else. AFAIK, it never worked in TM.
I thought it was the TextMate service. With regard to ICeCoffEE, this seems to be an NSTextView patch, so as Brian said, this won't work with TextMate.
I haven't looked at the functionality it provides, but I should allow commands to appear in the context menu (I think this has even been requested ;) ), that way we could probably re-create the functionality of this patch.
For now, to get sort of a context menu with commands, just give all the commands the same hotkey, then pressing this key will show a context menu.