in 906, I observe the following behaviour:
- Open the Ruby language definition in the bundle editor (probably works with others as well)
- Search for “indent”.
- Close search window
- Go to the beginning of the file
- Search for “def”
--> TextMate is still searching for “indent”.
Regards and thanks for a great editor, Christopher
How are you searching for "def" once you've closed the find window?
On Jan 7, 2006, at 10:48 AM, Christopher Creutzig wrote:
in 906, I observe the following behaviour:
- Open the Ruby language definition in the bundle editor (probably
works with others as well)
Search for “indent”.
Close search window
Go to the beginning of the file
Search for “def”
--> TextMate is still searching for “indent”.
How are you searching for "def" once you've closed the find window?
Don't know how he's doing it, but I can confirm the bug. Revised steps:
- Open the Ruby language definition in the bundle editor (probably works with others as well)
- Search for “indent”.
- Close search window
- Go to the beginning of the file
- Open new file, type in def, select and hit command-E to use as next search term.
- Go back to bundle window.
- Command-G to search again, should search for def now.
--> TextMate is still searching for “indent”.
On 7/1/2006, at 19:48, Christopher Creutzig wrote:
in 906, I observe the following behaviour: [...]
- Search for “def” --> TextMate is still searching for “indent”.
I am aware of the problem, though I wasn't able to solve it last time I gave it a shoot (it's NSTextView related). I think that using cmd-E with text selected in the NSTextView will always push that text to the find clipboard and cause it to be used for cmd-G, it's only when I programmatically try to tell NSTextView about a new find string, that it fails the second time.