I hacked Henrik Nyh's Grep in Project to use ack instead. You can download the new command "Search in Project with ack" at this page:
This is the first command that I publish, so if you find any problems, please drop me a note.
On 6 Mar 2008, at 12:42, Pedro Melo wrote:
I hacked Henrik Nyh's Grep in Project to use ack instead. You can download the new command "Search in Project with ack" at this page:
http://www.simplicidade.org/notes/archives/2008/03/ search_in_proje.html
This is the first command that I publish, so if you find any problems, please drop me a note.
Oh cool, thanks Pedro. Ack is a fantastic tool. Highly recommended to everyone who regularly searches their source code.
In other ack/TextMate news here's a little Perl program which I keep as ~/bin/tack:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict; use warnings; use TextMate::JumpTo qw( tm_location ); use HTML::Tiny; use File::Temp qw( tempfile );
$| = 1;
my @args = grep { $_ ne '--nocolor' } @ARGV; unshift @args, '--color' unless grep { $_ eq '--color' } @args;
my $h = HTML::Tiny->new;
my ( $oh, $oname ) = tempfile( SUFFIX => '.html' );
print $oh $h->open( 'html' ), $h->head( $h->title( 'Search results' ), $h->style( do { local $/; <DATA> } ) ), $h->open( 'body' ), $h->open( 'table' );
my $last_file = ''; my $tr_style = {};
open my $ack, '-|', 'ack', @args or die "Can't run ack ($!)";
LINE: while ( defined( my $line = <$ack> ) ) { chomp $line; if ( $line =~ /^--\s*$/ ) { $tr_style = { class => 'dv' }; next LINE; } my @parts = grep { $_ } split /(\x1b[(?:K|\d+(?:;\d+)*m))/, $line; my ( $file, $line, @info ); for ( @parts ) { if ( /^([-:])(\d+)\1(.*)/ ) { ( $line, @info ) = ( $2, $3 ); } elsif ( @info ) { push @info, $_ unless /^\x1b[K/; } elsif ( $_ !~ /^\x1b/ ) { $file = $_; } }
my $state = ''; my $pos = 1; my $column = 0;
my $info = join '', map { /^\x1b[(.+)/ ? $state eq $1 ? '' : do { $state = $1; $column ||= $pos; $_ eq "\x1b[0m" ? $h->close( 'a' ) : $h->open( 'a', { href => tm_location( file => $file, line => $line, column => $pos ) } ); } : do { $pos += length $_; _ns( $h->entity_encode( $_ ) ); } } @info;
if ( $last_file ne $file ) { print $oh $h->tr( $h->th( { colspan => 2 }, $h-
entity_encode( $file ) ) );
$last_file = $file; $tr_style = {}; }
print $oh $h->tr( $tr_style, [ $h->td( { align => 'right', class => 'ln' }, $line ), $h->td( $info ) ] ); $tr_style = {}; } close $ack; print $oh $h->close( 'table' ), $h->close( 'body' ), $h->close( 'html' ); close $oh; _open( $oname, 0 );
sub _open { my ( $url, $bg ) = @_; my @cmd = ( '/usr/bin/open', ( $bg ? ( '-g' ) : () ), $url ); system @cmd and die "Can't open $url ($?)"; }
sub _ns { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/\s/ /g; return $s; }
html, body { font-family: monospace; background: black; color: #eee; }
a { background: yellow; color: black; text-decoration: none; }
.ln { color: #666; }
th { text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #222; color: #8f8; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 3px; margin-bottom: 3px; }
td { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; padding-left: 10px; }
.dv td { padding-top: 18px; }
It's compatible with ack but instead of displaying output to the console it creates and opens an HTML document containing the search results. Each search hit is a link that jumps to the appropriate location in TextMate.
On Mar 6, 2008, at 12:46 PM, Andy Armstrong wrote:
On 6 Mar 2008, at 12:42, Pedro Melo wrote:
I hacked Henrik Nyh's Grep in Project to use ack instead. You can download the new command "Search in Project with ack" at this page:
http://www.simplicidade.org/notes/archives/2008/03/ search_in_proje.html
This is the first command that I publish, so if you find any problems, please drop me a note.
Oh cool, thanks Pedro. Ack is a fantastic tool. Highly recommended to everyone who regularly searches their source code.
In other ack/TextMate news here's a little Perl program which I keep as ~/bin/tack:
tack is great, thank :)
Be advise though, that there is already a tack command in /usr/bin. I don't think too many people use it, but other scripts might.
tack - terminfo action checker
Best regards,