I'd love to see three new items in the Automation submenus:
Replay Macro > Replay [name of last macro selected] Insert Snippet -> Insert [name of last snippet selected] Run Command -> Run [name of last command selected]
It's very common for me to have tasks where I dig out some obscure command that I rarely use, use it repeatedly in a given session, and then forget about it.
Keyboard shortcuts make sense for tasks that are done repeatedly -- either very often, or in repetitive bursts less often. This feature would allow many seldom-used commands of the latter type to go without permanent keyboard shortcuts, freeing up combos for more commonly used commands. Obviously, these new menu choices themselves would need keyboard shortcuts.
One subtle point: by "last * selected" I mean that this would apply only to macros/snippets/commands manually chosen from the menus (either the regular menus or the status bar menus). That way, other keyboard commands wouldn't needlessly get picked up by this feature; if you have invoked a macro/snippet/command via the keyboard, you obviously don't need this feature to remember it.
I actually got this idea from Photoshop, which allows you to invoke the last-used filter with cmd-F.
I love TM's combination of high power and low cruft. IMO this feature would increase usability and at the same time decrease the need for crazy five-key-mash keyboard shortcuts on obscure bundle features.
thanks for listening,
-- Paul Bissex http://e-scribe.com/news/ Northampton MA USA 01061-0847