I'm trying to use .tm_properties to replicate functionality I've had with projects and I'm a bit at a loss. I've created a .tm_properties file in my home directory:
exclude = "{*.{aux,run.xml,tex.blg,thm,blg,bcf,fdb_latexmk,DS_Store,git}}" softWrap = true fontName = "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" fontSize = 11 tabSize = 4
windowTitle = "$TM_DISPLAYNAME – ${TM_DIRECTORY/([^/])[^/]+//$1…//g}"
The fact that the window title reads "file name.tex - abbreviated directory" indicates to me that the file is processed.
My project directory's .tm_properties file contains only the following entries:
[ *.tex ] spellChecking = true spellingLanguage = 'en' projectDirectory = "$CWD"
The problem is that in the list of files and folders, not a single file is excluded. I've tried the following things already: (1) Remove the .tm_properties file in ~/ and write the list of excludes in the project directory's .tm_properties file. (2) Start with exclude = "{*.aux}" or exclude = "{name_of_exisiting_file}".
No luck. What am I doing wrong?
On 16/01/2012, at 22.35, Max Lein wrote:
[…] exclude = "{*.{aux,run.xml,tex.blg,thm,blg,bcf,fdb_latexmk,DS_Store,git}}"
The brace expansion syntax MUST have a comma.
{foo} → literal ‘{foo}’ {foo,bar} → ‘foo’ or ‘bar’.
So in your glob, simply remove the outer braces.