Is there any change that I can set something like NSToolTipsFont ? I can set NSToolTipsFontSize via;
defaults write com.macromates.TextMate NSToolTipsFontSize 24
How can I set font-family for ToolTips?
Uğur Özyılmazel
On 18 May 2021, at 20:38, Uğur Özyılmazel via TextMate wrote:
Is there any change that I can set something like NSToolTipsFont ? I can set NSToolTipsFontSize via;
According to [MacWorld][1] and [AskDifferent][2] `NSToolTipsFont` should work, but I can’t make it work here :(
FYI TextMate uses `[NSFont toolTipsFontOfSize:0]` to obtain the system tool tips font, so any customization is offered by the system, not TextMate itself.
[1]: [2]: