I have been working on the following script to set breakpoint is XCode. I am not a Ruby expert and I am sure I am doing something wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
Currenly my script looks like so:
proect = %x{"#{ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']}/bin/find_xcode_project.rb"} named = File.basename(proect) xCodeProject = named.sub(/.(xcodeproj|xcode|pbproj)/?$/, "") breakLine = #{ENV['TM_LINE_NUMBER']}
print xCodeProject
astring = "osascript -e 'tell application "TextMate" set myName to name of front document end tell tell application "Xcode" tell project named "#{xCodeProject}"\r\n set bp to make new file breakpoint set file reference of bp to file reference named myName set enabled of bp to true end tell end tell'"
print astring
My output is:
iPhoto2PBase osascript -e 'tell application "TextMate" set myName to name of front document end tell tell application "Xcode" tell project named "HelloWorld "
set bp to make new file breakpoint set file reference of bp to file reference named myName set enabled of bp to true end tell end tell'
For some reason i have a bunch of white space after my project's name.
Also how do i put { and } into a string so they are printable?
On 18/9/2006, at 17:07, Scott Andrew wrote:
I have been working on the following script to set breakpoint is XCode. I am not a Ruby expert and I am sure I am doing something wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
Currenly my script looks like so:
proect = %x{"#{ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']}/bin/find_xcode_project.rb"}
Try add .chomp to remove the potential newline.
astring = "osascript -e 'tell application "TextMate" set myName to name of front document
I think you need “set myName to path of front document”.
Also how do i put { and } into a string so they are printable?
What kind of string would that be? and what seems to be the problem with just writing it?