Minor bug report:
In my .bash_profile I have GREP_OPTIONS=-Hn so that the output from grep always includes the file name and line number (more often than not I'm searching multiple files).
However, this caused the "Install 'Edit in TextMate'" command to fail, saying:
Error The input manager ((standard input):2:/Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/Edit in TextMate) was not found in the TextMate application bundle. You may need a newer version of TextMate.
Once I realised the source of the error, working around was straightforward; if you think it needs fixing, the simplest way is probably just to change the first line of the script in the plist from:
SRC="$(ps -xwwp $PPID -o command|grep TextMate.app|perl -pe 's/(.*?.app).*/\1/')/Contents/Resources/Edit in TextMate"
SRC="$(ps -xwwp $PPID -o command|GREP_OPTIONS= grep TextMate.app|perl -pe 's/(.*?.app).*/\1/')/Contents/Resources/Edit in TextMate"