Did anyone find a workaround for the issue that "mate" doesn't work in Snow Leopard when you're not in the same log-in session? This problem has been raised before [1] but the corresponding ticket has been closed by Allan [2].
[1] http://lists.macromates.com/textmate/2009-September/029529.html [2] http://ticket.macromates.com/show?ticket_id=0BB87402
After upgrading to Snow Leopard, I can't seamlessly edit files on remote machines anymore, which worked before using ExpanDrive and mate over ssh/osascript. [3]
[3] http://blog.mckuhn.de/2008/05/invoking-textmate-from-remote-machine.html
Michael Kuhn <michael.kuhn@...> writes:
Did anyone find a workaround for the issue that "mate" doesn't work in Snow Leopard when you're not in the same log-in session? This problem has been raised before [1] but the corresponding ticket has been closed by Allan [2].
[1] http://lists.macromates.com/textmate/2009-September/029529.html [2] http://ticket.macromates.com/show?ticket_id=0BB87402
After upgrading to Snow Leopard, I can't seamlessly edit files on remote machines anymore, which worked before using ExpanDrive and mate over ssh/osascript. [3]
[3] http://blog.mckuhn.de/2008/05/invoking-textmate-from-remote-machine.html
A solution if you have root privileges:
sudo launchctl bsexec <PID of TextMate> mate <args>
So if TextMate has a pid of 834:
: ps aux | grep Mate dan 834 0.0 5.2 2226420 109012 ?? S Mon03AM 3:22.20 /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/MacOS/TextMate -psn_0_270402 : sudo launchctl bsexec 834 mate ~/project
- Dan