Has anyone come up with a command or whatnot so that by holding down a modifier key we can drag files from the Finder to an open document, and have it insert the absolute path (instead of the file contents)? Is this doable right now?
Thanks, Eric
On 9 Dec 2007, at 13:57, Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
Has anyone come up with a command or whatnot so that by holding down a modifier key we can drag files from the Finder to an open document, and have it insert the absolute path (instead of the file contents)? Is this doable right now?
You can create a drag command, set the file extension to “*” to target all file types, set the scope to wherever you want this to work. Then test TM_MODIFIER_FLAGS to see if it contains OPTION, if not, cat the file, if it does, insert the file path.
For more info see Drag Commands in the manual.