I have just started using Textmate as my primary editor. I would very much like to make use of some of the howto's offered in the wiki, but I am a bit confused on how to implement them. I am assuming they are bundles, and are implemented via the bundle editor. At the moment I am specifically interested in this one:
- Before: Do Nothing - Command: grep -n '^[[:space:]]*(public|private|protected)?([[:space:]]+static| [[:space:]]+abstract)?[[:space:]]+function' - Std In: Entire Document - Std out: Show in separate win - Pattern: ^(\d+):\s(public|private|protected)?(\s+static|\s+abstract)? \s+function\s+([_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*)\s*[(](.*)[)] - Format: $2$3 $4( $5 ) - Line: 1
which supposedly creates a clickable list of functions for php 4 and 5. Looking at the bundle editor, would I set this up as a php command, or something else entirely? And what would be the actual code placed into the Command(s) box?
Any advice is appreciated.
On Dec 28, 2006, at 6:49 PM, Eben wrote:
I have just started using Textmate as my primary editor. I would very much like to make use of some of the howto's offered in the wiki, but I am a bit confused on how to implement them. I am assuming they are bundles, and are implemented via the bundle editor.
They are probably mostly TextMate commands, implemented in a bundle in the bundle editor. Just use the plus at the bottom left to create a new command.
At the moment I am specifically interested in this one:
- Before: Do Nothing
This is the setting that appears at the very top when you create a command. It is now called "Save" instead.
- Command: grep -n '^[[:space:]]*(public|private|protected)?\
([[:space:]]+static| [[:space:]]+abstract)?[[:space:]]+function'
This is the text you place in the command box, probably in one line and starting from the grep part.
- Std In: Entire Document
This is the setting for the "input" popup, rigth below the command box.
- Std out: Show in separate win
This is the setting for the "output" popup. Might be called "Create New Window" now. Or actually might be deprecated, in favor of creating HTML outputs.
- Pattern: ^(\d+):\s(public|private|protected)?(\s+static|\s
+abstract)? \s+function\s+([_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*)\s*[(](.*)[)]
- Format: $2$3 $4( $5 )
- Line: 1
Yes, this is indeed deprecated ;). You'll probably have to tweak the output to make it into nice HTML. Someone else can perhaps give more details on that, I haven't done it many times.
which supposedly creates a clickable list of functions for php 4 and 5. Looking at the bundle editor, would I set this up as a php command, or something else entirely? And what would be the actual code placed into the Command(s) box?
Any advice is appreciated.