I'm a Textmate n00b, so maybe there is just something I have misconfigured, but just in case it is a bug...
I noticed today that I wasn't seeing quotes correctly in comments at my default settings. My default font is Monaco 12 pt. Anti-aliasing is off. Inside of comments which are italicized, I noticed that I don't see single quotes at all (just a space) and double quotes as single quotes. This problem doesn't happen in the non-italicized code text and goes away in italicized text if I boost the text size to 14 pt. It also goes away if I turn off the italics styling on comments.
So is there something I need to tweak to get quotes looking right in the italicized text?
I checked TextEdit for comparison with antialiasing turned off in the System Preferences for 12 pt and lower, and the quotes in Monaco are normal there.
Ed Allen wrote:
I'm a Textmate n00b, so maybe there is just something I have misconfigured, but just in case it is a bug...
I noticed today that I wasn't seeing quotes correctly in comments at my default settings. My default font is Monaco 12 pt. Anti-aliasing is off. Inside of comments which are italicized, I noticed that I don't see single quotes at all (just a space) and double quotes as single quotes. This problem doesn't happen in the non-italicized code text and goes away in italicized text if I boost the text size to 14 pt. It also goes away if I turn off the italics styling on comments.
Monaco doesn't have an italic version, so Apple's ATSUI renderer (which TextMate uses) has to fake it. When antialiasing is turned on, it uses the vector outlines, and looks somewhat passable. When antialiasing is off, it tries to italicize the pixel font. This shouldn't result in anything actually disappearing, but either way the output is going to be terrible.
I recommend either:
a) turn on antialiasing, or b) turn off italics in your theme
Hopefully, TextMate 2.0 will allow turning on antialiasing only for bold/italics, but leaving it off for plain text. That would be awesome. Until then, italic unantialiased Monaco is just going to look horrible and there's nothing to do about it.
On 3/7/07, Jacob Rus jrus@hcs.harvard.edu wrote:
Until then, italic unantialiased Monaco is just going to look horrible and there's nothing to do about it.
Just use a font with an italic version, like DejaVu: