Hi, somebody help me, I guess it takes just a look at this code to spot what's wrong (for you):
--------------------------------------- <html> <head> <script> function letsTry () { TextMate.system("/usr/bin/open -a /Applications/TeXniscope", null); }; } </script> </head>
<body> <span id="letsTry"> <a onClick="letsTry()" href="#">Let's Try</a></span> </body> </html> ---------------------------------------
I put this in a p.html file. I then create a command in TextMate that does " cat p.html " and outputs to HTML. The HTML appears, but of course clicking on the link does nothing, not certainly opening TeXniscope as hoped. Documentation(s) perused, sleep hours lost. Any idea?
On 22/9/2006, at 1:13, Piero D'Ancona wrote:
<html> <head> <script> function letsTry () { TextMate.system("/usr/bin/open -a /Applications/TeXniscope", null); };
↑ That line looks to be in error ↑
<body> <span id="letsTry"> <a onClick="letsTry()" href="#">Let's Try</a></span> </body> </html> ---------------------------------------