TM2 bug report; I haven't seen this one go by yet.
Repro steps: 1) Open a TM2 window on a directory, e.g. via 'mate somedir' The file browser should be open at that directory 2) Open a second window on another directory, e.g. via 'mate somedir2' 3) Open a few files in each window for good measure 4) Close the file browser pane in the first ('somedir') window, via View -> Hide File Browser or shortcut 5) Exit TextMate 6) Start TextMate 7) Observe: TM2 reopens windows that were present when it last exited. 8) Open file browser in the first window (aka 'somedir')
Expected result: The file browser for the window with files from 'somedir' should retain its state from the prior session, opening to 'somedir' or the last directory it was viewing.
Actual result: The file browser in question opens to the user's home directory.