1) If I put the cursor at the front of a collapsed, folded section and press tab, I expected (and desire) it to be the equivalent of performing a Shift Right on the entire fold.
2) (more controversial, perhaps) if I select a few lines, starting in the middle of the first line, I expect/desire Shift Right and Left to apply to the start of the line where the selection starts, not to insert tabs in the middle of it.
In the following example, | marks the start and end of the selection:
class Foo def bar puts "That's gre|at it starts with an earthquake" puts "birds and snakes and aeroplanes" puts "and Lenny |Bruce is not afraid." end end
This selection is because I was in the middle of the word 'great' and performed shift+down arrow twice.
When I Shift Right, it should do this: class Foo def bar | puts "That's great it starts with an earthquake" puts "birds and snakes and aeroplanes" puts "and Lenny Bruce is not afraid." | end end
And not this: class Foo def bar puts "That's gre |at it starts with an earthquake" puts "birds and snakes and aeroplanes" puts "and Lenny |Bruce is not afraid." end end
A workaround that I suppose I could get used to is to perform Select Line after selecting the text, before shifting...but that should happen automatically. (As noted in the example, the act of shifting left/right should not only affect the entire line, it should also select the full lines.)
Operating in rectangular selection/column mode is a different story, but doesn't change how it should (IMO) behave in this case. -- (-, /\ / / //