I just spend a couple hours making the Brilliance Black BETA theme[1] work with LaTeX. It looks a lot better than it did. It all does seem a bit too purple since a lot of the language is functions.
There are some subtle things you might love to hate. Nested lists get slightly darker text for each level of depth.
Thanks to David Levy for sending be a bunch of sample LaTeX files to test with. It helped a lot! Thanks also to Michael Sheets who sent me sample source files for a whole slew of languages.
I wouldn't have bothered collecting and testing my stuff with all these languages if it had not been for these guys.
[1] 20BETA.tmTheme
I have only updated Brilliance Black. I'm not going to get around to updating brilliance dull for a little while. I'm still planning on a Brilliance White, too. How interested are people in the alternate versions?
thomas Aylott subtleGradient
I have only updated Brilliance Black. I'm not going to get around to updating brilliance dull for a little while. I'm still planning on a Brilliance White, too. How interested are people in the alternate versions?
I've been using brilliance dull for a while now (only in javascript since that's what I've been doing) and actually it's working pretty good :) I'm not entirely sure I like the default "text" to be gray ... i'm not sure what would be better either, but grey just seems a bit dull and out of place. Other than that, it's pretty cool :) I'm not in the least interested in brilliance white if it means white background, but if it's some sort of high contrast something or dark background with lots of white/snow like stuff, it might be interesting.