In version (Version 1.5.4 (1360)) of textmate there is a new XHTML1.1 template. The problem I now have is that when you run Tidy from the HTML bundle on a XHTML1.1 document it converts the document to XHTML1.0 strict. This is a little odd. Additionally it does not do this well because the resulting XHTML1.0 Strict document is not valid. Iit leaves the (version="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN") attribute from the original XHTML1.1 document templet. So, you end up with some odd non-valid document. I love html tidy but maybe I'm doing something wrong. I don't know how to change it so that HTML tidy is nicer to XHTML1.1 documents. The XML bundle version of tidy works well for now, but its not that same because I have to select in manually. I can't just press (opt, shift, H).
If anyone has fixed up how they have Tidy cleanup an XHTML1.1 document please share.
Thanks you for your help!
- Ethan