I often need to import data into R using the read.table command, but my data files have header and footer information which shouldn't be parsed by read.table. Here is a script which takes selected lines from the active document and imports them to R using read.table:
header_row_grep_text="run" ignore_lines_at_end=2
# Find the header row, which always (and uniquely) contains the text specified above. X=`grep -n $header_row_grep_text $TM_FILEPATH | cut -f1 -d:`
# Determine the number of lines in file. Y=`wc -l $TM_FILEPATH | cut -c 1-8`
# Tell R to read the data in this file, starting with line X which has the variable names. osascript -e 'tell application "R" to activate' -e "tell application "R" to cmd "data <- read.table(\"$TM_FILEPATH\", header=TRUE, sep=\",\", skip=`expr $X - 1`, nrows=`expr $Y - $X - $ignore_lines_at_end`)""
I have a more detailed explanation here: http://love.agent.ie/ articles/2006/07/02/sending-simulation-output-to-r