The big problem for me is the completion with ⌥⎋, I often wrote this remark on the list but without success ... Perhaps Brad has not enough time to look at this ...
I would like to know if I'm the only one to have the next problem
a) Create a .tex file: essai.tex you can put for example this inside :
Is it a bug?\label{title} yes\label{answer}
b) Create a .tex file: try_completion.tex
\begin{document} \input{essai.tex} yes\re \end{document}
now after \re ⌥⎋, no result
c) Remove the line \input{essai.tex}
then after ⌘S, \re ⌥⎋ gives
a window with
real ref etc...
d) but when the caret is inside the braces of \ref{ } , the completion is always correct
My solution : I modified the LateXCommandCompletions.rb file.
def recursiveFileSearch(initialList) extraPathList = [] fileExt = "tex" # I add the last line
Perhaps somebody can tell me if this solution is correct and if the problem exists out of my home !!
Best Regards
Alain Matthes
PS I try the completion with ⌘\ but with a french keyboard we need 4 fingers and 3 fingers for ⌘}
I prefer §, ⌘§ and ⌥§ for the macro LaTeX Symbol of Guido Governatori, This macro is fine because it's more natural (for example with the arrows) and the macro adds $ ... $ . Perhaps a macro Insert Math LaTeX Symbol in the main bundle will be a good thing