Just to say that those who are waiting for an actionscript 3 bundle, I started one. You can find more information on http://4d.ratubagus.net/ .
This bundle is just started, so many things will be added week by week ... Since i'm new to textmate, even i read a lot on the mailing list , the wiki, the book ... i've still many things to learn and i'm open to suggestions .
On Apr 4, 2007, at 5:31 PM, Joachim wrote:
Just to say that those who are waiting for an actionscript 3 bundle, I started one. You can find more information on http://4d.ratubagus.net/ .
This bundle is just started, so many things will be added week by week ... Since i'm new to textmate, even i read a lot on the mailing list , the wiki, the book ... i've still many things to learn and i'm open to suggestions .
enjoy Joachim
I'll be watching this puppy. AS3 is the next thing I have to learn.
I desperately need to do a single all encompassing versioned ECMAscript syntax for all these guys to include. We now have Javascript, Actionscript and now Actionscript 3. Not counting Prototype & Scriptaculous, YUI, MochiKit, jQuery and base2, etc...
I'll bet it'll still be done before HTML2 though :P
I guess we're all just waiting to see how TM2 changes the language system. Scope injection will just be too stinkin' handy.
Allan, What would be the best future proof way to create language syntaxes in the short term?
thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors
On 5. Apr 2007, at 01:10, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
Allan, What would be the best future proof way to create language syntaxes in the short term?
Don’t use the swallow key (this has been deprecated forever, and will not be supported in 2.0), don’t use $ in a scope name (since some new magic stuff will happen for that :) ), don’t rely on the current (non- defined) matching of \A, \z, and \g in regexps, and otherwise just do as now :)
For all practical purposes, 2.0 should be fully backwards compatible with bundles.