Anyone want to take a shot at this one... Write "foodbar" in textmate, select it, and inspire lookup word in google and link, it will be replaced with 'Received exception: undefined method '.
A lot of the time it also crashes TM. I am on 10.5, but this has been happening for a long time. I just learned of this feature, and it is very handy.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU # an evolution of the code from # retrieves link from Google automatically and creates XHTML link # improved call to progress bar, added ability to retrieve title # of page and create title attribute in link using idea # borrowed from Improved regex to handle title tags # newlines, spaces and capitalization differences require ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH'] + '/lib/progress.rb' require ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH'] + '/lib/escape.rb' require 'net/http' require 'open-uri' require 'erb'
def getLinkWithTitle(phrase) TextMate.call_with_progress(:title => "Contacting Google", :message => "Retrieving Link for “#{phrase}”…") do response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(URI.escape(" {phrase}&btnI=I'm+Feeling+Lucky"))) url = response.to_hash['location'].to_a.first fp = open(url) title =<title>([^<>]*)</title>/i).to_a[1] title = title.strip return url, title, phrase end end
url, title, input = getLinkWithTitle( print['TM_LINK_FORMAT']).result
On 20 Oct 2009, at 05:19, Scott Haneda wrote:
Anyone want to take a shot at this one... Write "foodbar" in textmate, select it, and inspire lookup word in google and link, it will be replaced with 'Received exception: undefined method '.
A lot of the time it also crashes TM [...]
It crashes TM? Can you send me a crash report on this?