Attempting to use the latest CVS bundle (checked out via git), I'm finding that most of the CVS commands are not working in TextMate v1.5.8 (1498). The History -> Log and Revert commands worked, but others fail with errors like this (from a diff attempt):
/Users/steve/Applications/ `to_plist': An object in the argument tree could not be converted (ArgumentError) from /Users/steve/Applications/`block in initialize' from /Users/steve/Applications/`popen' from /Users/steve/Applications/`initialize' from /Users/steve/Applications/`new' from /Users/steve/Applications/`dialog' from /Users/steve/Applications/`call_with_progress' from /Users/steve/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/CVS.tmbundle/Support/cvs_diff.rb:13:in`diff_active_file' from -:6:in `<main>'
or this (from a commit attempt):
/Users/steve/Applications/`eval': wrong argument type Proc (expected Binding) (TypeError) from /Users/steve/Applications/`_capture_outer_self' from /Users/steve/Applications/`method_missing' from /Users/steve/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/CVS.tmbundle/Support/cvs_commit.rb:19:in `'
Each failed command leaves an untitled, unclosable window in its wake. Anyone else see this? Is there a place to submit bug reports for bundles?
Thanks, Steve