Hi, In brief, what I want is for TextMate to automatically use the 'CSS' Language scopes when I'm editing my <foo-css.inc.php> includes (which contain only css text), and to use the html Language scopes when I'm editing my html includes, <foo-inc.php> (which contain only html text).
What I've Tried: I have read through the Language and Scopes sections of the manual, and then: --in the Bundle Editor, made a new language called 'css-inc-php' --copied the css langauge into it --left the scopeName unchanged at 'source.css' --changed the fileTypes to: fileTypes = ( 'css', 'css.inc.php' );
However, this does not do anything, so I assume TextMate is not using this information, at least in the way I've set it up.
Why This Is Important To Me: I'm switching back and forth hundreds of times a day between the css include and the non-css include, and each time I do so, I have to hit control-shift-option-C or -H to get the CSS or HTML scope.
In other words, each time I switch from one include to the other (which I do about once every minute), I'm looking at the wrong scope language, because I just changed it for the previous file, and TextMate, obligingly enough (but sadly in this case) remembers.
Is there a way to get this to happen, so TextMate will automatically recognize the CSS Language for foo.css.inc.php files?
Steven Rowat