This is not a TextMate problem...rather a user issue but would appreciate any advice...
I'm trying to set up folding...the file format look like this (FASTA DNA sequence format) -
agagagtttttttttt...(typically 60chars) ...multiple lines of above, number of lines varies per record
agagagtcgtttta . . .
Setting foldingStartMarker is easy i.e; (^>) but it's foldingStopMarker whcih is proving to be tricky.
As I see it, need to match the last line immediately before a new entry denoted by ^> .
I figure a look-ahead assertion regex is required...something like -
[AGTCagtc]+ # match any string of ACGT (?=\n^>) # positive look ahead for new line followed by >
But can't get this or numerous minor variants to work at all...
Any insight greatly appreciated (and apologies if this is an inappropriate post for the forum)
On Feb 27, 2006, at 10:44 AM, tandemrepeat wrote:
Any insight greatly appreciated (and apologies if this is an inappropriate post for the forum)
I'd say it's very appropriate for the forum. The problem is I think that TextMate does not do multiline matching in the syntax, so none of these is going to work I'm afraid. Can't see a way out of this, unless of course you have the luxury of placing an empty line before the next >, and then matching that in foldingStopMarker.
I had exactly this problem without output from our matrix package.
My solution was to pre-process the output with a find-replace macro.
The macro finds the taglines, and replaces them with "end\n($1)"
That way, each block is wrapped in <tagline>...<end>
Then the folding is trivial.
I'm trying to set up folding on a DNA sequence
tagline1 [acgt]* ...multiple lines of above tagline2 [acgt]*