If the current TM_LATEX_ERRLVL settings are not sufficient, let us know.
Thanks for the hint. I played around with the values. In my eyes it would be useful to have one additional option where the console window would not open at all *except* for when there is an error, in which case it should open and remain open. The reason is that I would like it to be closed after typesetting and, as a matter of fact, the typesetting of a short file on the MacBook only takes a fraction of a second anyways, so that the brief opening and closing of the console window is not useful (in this particular case).
Well it sort of opens because this is the default output of the command, an HTML window. So the window opens before the command even starts running. Theoretically it would be possible to not open it until later, but it would make the code of that command even more complicated. It's already a pretty long shell script, that I try not to mess with lest my inferior shell skills brake it. If someone else wants to take a stab at it, then we can talk about it. But given that it works, and it really a minor nuisance, I'm loath to mess with it.
Well, that is fine with me. You are right, it is a minor nuisance. If it can be fixed easily, fine. If not, it is not essential.
__ Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH Zürich) Department of Materials Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 10, HCI H515 CH-8093 Zürich Switzerland
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