Hi guys,
I just started to reuse LaTeX again, there's been a lot of really great things going on since the last time I used it, so awesome job!
I like how you've added the (fold/end) markers for each section/ subsection, but might I suggest adding the text in \label to the "end" part of the snippet, so as to remind the user what section they are looking at the end of?
So, currently the section snippet looks like:
\section{${1:section name}}\label{sec:${2:${1/(\w+)|\W+/(?1:\L$0:_)/ g}}} % (fold) ${0:$TM_SELECTED_TEXT} % section (end)
I'm thinking something like this (which works w/o damaging anything) % section ${2} (end)
But for some reason I find this more handy (which unfortunately hoses the folding): % section (end:${2})
It's easy enough for me to keep it in my own bundle, but I figured others may find this useful as well.
What do you think? -steve