Is there any way to access the commands (API?) that are listed when you build and then saving a Macro?
I think accessing them should make the programmer live really easier.
For example, you could send to TM, from an scripting program, a sequence of such commands and TM could easily interpretate them.
----- Juan
Juan <juanfc@...> writes:
Is there any way to access the commands (API?) that are listed when you build and then saving a Macro?
No. However, you should take a look at the following:
And you should be able to find any other usable selectors listed in the KeyBindings.dict (or something close to that) file inside the TextMate application bundle itself.
I think accessing them should make the programmer live really easier.
What do you mean?
For example, you could send to TM, from an scripting program, a sequence of such commands and TM could easily interpretate them.
Well, yes, this would be somewhat nice, but is non-trivial for allan to implement. We might see something like that at some point, or we might not. Keep your fingers crossed.
Incidentally, I'm sure allan has seen the first 3 times you requested this feature. I really think he's gotten the message by now that you really really want it. I'm not sure that asking any more times is going to help our case though. ;)