Hi list:
I'm testing TextMate to write LaTeX documents, so the first thing that i did was see the screencasts posted on the page by Charliaos Skiadas -- totally liked.
I downloaded the TextMate v1.5.7 Trial to testit but i can't stop to realize that the icons that we can see in the Bundle Editor for (commands, languages, drag commands, etc.) is missing when i click on the bottom of the windows in the icon on the left of the Tab Size section.
This is ok, or in this 'menu' should i see the icons?
Thank you very much!
P.S: Great editor!!!!
On 1 Mar 2009, at 05:50, Jorge Luis Betancourt Gonzalez wrote:
I removed the icons since from the users POV they are all just actions, whether they are implemented as a snippet, command, or macro shouldn’t matter (and whether they do something or insert text, should hopefully be clear from the title).