On 4 déc. 04, at 02:34, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On Dec 3, 2004, at 2:41, Dominique Peretti wrote:
I wish I could format the output of TM's commands in html, and make html links able to launch other TextMate commands !
Adding webkit as the output for commands is certainly possible. But I'm not sure how links should communicate with TextMate.
What I can do is introduce a custom URL scheme, like “txmt://” -- *but* this would be a global new URL scheme and open to browser exploits similar to the help:// and telnet:// proof-of-concept exploits half a year ago.
I'll have to check the webkit documentation for how easy it is to add a local URL scheme just for the instance I use in TM.
Although having a “global” scheme does have the advantage that e.g. a wiki could have a special txmt:// link to edit the page in TextMate ;)
I don't mind having a txmt:// custom url sheme ! Textmate wouldn't be the first application to have his, and I think everybody would agree Textmate deserves one !
The other possibility, according to what I read here : http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ DisplayWebContent/Tasks/MultipleWindows.html would be to implement webView:createWebViewWithRequest in order to intercept the url, parse it and check for some convention that would correspond to custom actions in textmate.
I wish this window could be an interactive one, in Textmate. Thus I could jump directly to the error by clicking a link, etc...
Ah, now I see why you've been requesting the --line for the (fictive) tm utility (if that was you!?!).
Wow! I'm impressed ! ;-)
Dominique PERETTI http://www.lachoseinteractive.net