On 23 Jun 2014, at 23:35, Adam Strzelecki wrote:
Wouldn't it be reasonable to combine these both panels into single panel with single ⇧⌘O shortcut?
I like to have different keys to get to the project versus file chooser. With a combined panel it would be ⇧⌘O potentially followed by ⌘1-n for the proper list, right? Could of course still have two keys similar to ⌘F and ⇧⌘F (which open same window but with different source selection).
I do like the idea from a discoverability point of view (I wonder how many have actually noticed the “recent projects” panel).
With 5 lists it does get a little crowded:
1. Recent documents 2. Recent projects 3. Open documents 4. Documents with (SCM) changes 5. Favorites
Not sure if we can drop favorites — to be honest, this is a somewhat arcane feature and recent projects works better, main advantage of favorites is that they are always there, but could allow pinning recent projects/files, and also that the list can be initially populated (I sync my projects between machines and use a “folder symlink” for favorites, so it list all my projects).
Anyone have thoughts about this?