Apparently, looking deeper into the TM manual it appears there is a way to do this at:
Haven't figured it out yet - it mentions though that what I was requesting should be the default (?) ... If so, does seem to be the case for me.
Another route in the meantime is to get Aylotts subtlegradient bundle which displays the action at a screencast he sent out about month ago - but which I had missed.. for-textmate-screencast
Will see if it works out for me..
(he Thomas mentions Alan pastie - where is it implemented within the system?) Can I just include that pastie in the bundle preference?
thanks again
On Dec 1, 2006, at 4:34 AM, wrote:
Mail has this thing where by when you are typing and you are not sure of the spelling of the word (or even if such a word exists) you can press <esc> before yo complete the word & it gives you a pull down of various choices. Is this something that can be incorporated in the text scope of textmate?
(note: i know of ctr-apple-D which can check for the word in dictionary but that is not the functionality I need in this case - ie, since that assumes you already know how to spell the word...)
danstan ps; interestingly the Mail functionality doesnt seem to work within a sentence.
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