On Sep 23, 2009, at 11:38 AM, Dave Baldwin wrote:
Furthermore one has to add to Objective-C's bundle command "Documentation for Word / Selection" at the beginning
if [[ "$(defaults read /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion ProductVersion)" == 10.6.* ]]; then "${TM_RUBY:-ruby}" -r"$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/lib/docset_query.rb" -e 'documentation_for_word' exit fi
What is this trying to fix? If it is the brief error message that pops up then I think one of the old docsets (kept from Leopard?) fails because of a docset format change so I just deleted them from the Developer/Documentation/DocSets folder.
Up to now that script gets rid of the different docsets searches for Tiger and Leopard. This tiny check should fix the issue that for Leopard and Snow Leopard the script should use docset_query.rb
And i agree with
DOCSETS = Dir.glob("/Developer/Documentation/DocSets/*.docset")
Best, --Hans