On May 8, 2005, at 4:35, Samuel DeVore wrote:
A question, is my impression correct that TM checks the change status of all the files in the project drawers?
Yes, well, it checks the date of each top-level folder, and if the date is different than when one left TM, it goes down a level etc. On network mounted filesystems the date doesn't seems to be reliable, and this check is slow. On a normal filesystem it _should_ really be a fast check, but based on feedback, this isn't the case for all users.
Wouldn't only need to check the status of files in the tabs?
Well, it needs to update the project drawer, and it needs the file list for e.g. cmd-T etc. -- but yes, there's room for improvements, and as previously stated, it will be changed to be more lazy and offload some scanning to separate threads -- but it'll have to wait till I anyway will update the project window for other planned changes and improvements.