I've happily used textmate for about 2 years now and I love it -- thank you macromates for a great tool.
Last night in the middle of a work session the font rendering of textmate suddenly degraded. It now looks like this: (I use QuickType mono)
This is what it looked like before, more or less, and still looks like in textedit (but without syntax coloring of course:
Has anyone encountered this issue before? What things can I try to get back to normal?
All fonts are affected, not just QuickType mono
1. Running 10.5 on a macbook pro
2. Happened during a time machine backup. I mention this because I had problems with ATS server and the font caches while getting Time machine backups working, where ats would start consuming a whole core for hours and have to be killed. This was a week ago, and that problem seemed to go away after deleting all Cache folders, turning off spotlight indexing & backing up of Cache folders etc.
3. I've already deleted the ATS caches & rebooted as per the wiki page
I'm in a bit of a panic -- have a lot of work to do in two projects and doing it with my most important productivity tool crippled is a terrifying prospect :/
(I'm sure there are going to be people who don't think the first text is much harder to read than the second, but it is for me and the font rendering is one of the top 5 reasons I use a mac, so this is not intended to open that whole discussion. I just want to know how to get back what I'm used to looking at 8 hours a day :))
Michael Johnston lastobelus@mac.com