According to Alain Matthes:
A new site (version beta for the site and the files latex) .html, .tex, .sty .cls only with textmate
Now, if only you could get rid of that awful excuse of a font (that is, MS Comic Sans), it would be even better.
I like the aforementioned website and hate Comic Sans, but my PowerBook shipped with it! My Mac even came tainted with a trial version of MS Office. Plus I even have it on my iBook with a rather Vanilla Tiger installation (so it's not that it came with Office). Deletion would be one solution but that does not solve the cause but only the effects.
PS: Alain, don't take this too seriously, but… Comic Sans… no good :) Plus, your website has another slight fault: being French, that is. While I root for your boys in the World Cup it's not that approachable a site ;)
PPS: `font-family: "Cochin", "Palatino", "Baskerville", "Book Antiqua", "Times New Roman", serif;` Cochin ftw! As seen on