What are your reservations about the drawer? I know it can sometimes "forget" its assigned width and height when the window is resized, due to some window manager bugs. Anything else?
The only problem I have w/ the drawer is something like this:
let's say I have a file-structure that's somehow deep:
root/ files files files folder/ files files files folder/ files files files folder/ files files files
well, anyway ... the fact that the drawer doesn't have scroll bars (horizontal) is what I'm trying to get to.
Let's say I'm working on a group of files that are 3, or 4 levels 'deep' (folders down, whatever).
The drawers, if it's not wide enough, will truncate from the middle .. so I'll have a list of files like:
So..php So..php Li..php
err .. anyway . you get the idea .. unles, of course, I expand the drawer pretty wide to see everything ... w/ a 'pane' or side window/whatever, I can scroll the 'focus' of the pane/panel over to the right so I'm only looking down the column I need to be looking at .. I don't need to read the beginning of hte file names 3 parent dis up .. This way I can read the beginning of the file name (If not all of it) of the section I'm working in so I know which file is which .. and .. well, you get the idea.
I don't hate the drawer, I'm just saying, that's the one thing I find to be annoying.
But like Alan said, the cmd-t *almost* makes it irrelevant, but not exactly ...